Top Cashback - Review Date: 10.11.2022

UK Cashback - Get £10 free - 7 / 10

Top Cashback was the first site to offer 100% affiliate earnings to the customer (Quidco also do this now). This means that whatever is paid to Top Cashback goes straight to the customer, Top Cashback do not take any administration fees from the money. You may wonder how they make money, well that is quite simple and is explained on their site, in short they earn from ads, bonus payments from retailers and probably from the interest on the money that they are paid that eventually goes to you, the customer. So far this all sounds great and you may be wondering why on earth you would join any other cashback site when this one clearly pays you more. One very annoying aspect of Top Cashback is that they do not pay you until they have been paid themselves by the retailer. Actually, this is not that simple as Top Cashback themselves will be going through an affiliate network. So essentially they will not pay you until their affiliate network has paid them and of course most affiliate networks only pay once a month. All this means that you could be waiting many weeks for you payments to be confirmed and available to claim. There are plenty of payment options including PayPal, Amazon, Clubcard points and many more. Some redemption choices offer a bonus on top which can give you more for your money. It is also worth mentioning that Top Cashback has improved over the years and we very rarely get any rejected cashback (they used to reject quite a few high cost purchases like Insurance). If you shop onine then this is a must join and along with Quidco these are probably our top earners.

  • Payment Methods: BACS, Amazon Vouchers, PaylPal and many more
  • Minimum Payment: £0.01 !!
  • Review Date: 10.11.2022
  • Paid: True
  • location: UK

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