You should have heard of Envirofone by now as they have had a rather large ad campaign going on. Basically, you can sell them your old mobile phone whether it works or not. The process is fairly simple, you select your make and model of phone and you are then shown a price. If you wish to accept this price then you need to continue by logging in or registering and then after checking you have entered the correct details you finish your transaction. At this point Envirofone will send you out a sales pack which you need to send back to them including the phone. If you’re trying to sell a damaged phone then you will not be given a price and will have to wait to be emailed with a price from them. This actually sounds better than other sites that give you a flat ‘non working’ price in that depending on the degree of the fault you might get more money for your broken mobile. This is probably the most professional looking of the recycle sites but at first glance it doesn’t appear to pay the most. However, it is a big player in the market and you can be sure to get paid by them. Overall, definitely worth considering if you have a phone to sell and do not want to go through the hassle of ebay or selling to a friend.
- Payment Methods: Cheque, BACs, PayPal, Argos eCard
- Minimum Payment: Varies
- Review Date: 30.03.2011
- Paid: True
- location: UK
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