Clicksor - Review Date: 09.09.2015

Worldwide Ad Network - 4 / 10

Clicksor is a contextual advertising network that allows you to earn cash by placing ads on your site. The main types of ad include the following:
Graphical Banners
Pop Unders
Interstitial ads – full page ads that sometimes appear between page clicks
Inline text ads – changes a keyword into a link
Text Banners – like the standard Google ad word ads

When it comes to ads we have a bit of an issue. We understand sites need to make a living, as we do, but there is nothing more annoying for a user than a site plastered with ads, pop ups, pop unders, full page ads etc. The good thing about Clicksor is that you can change the settings of your ads so that if you do use some of the more invasive formats you can make it so that they do not appear too often.

In terms of making money you will need a large amount of traffic to make it work. Payout is $50 which is about standard for ad networks, you can choose to be paid by PayPal or Cheque although this is a Canadian site so PayPal is the best option for UK publishers. Aside from Google Adwords, Clicksor is one of the best ad networks around. We recommend giving it a go if you want to try and make some cash from your website or blog with advertising.

  • Payment Methods: PayPal, Check, Wire Transer
  • Minimum Payment: $50 PayPal or Check, $1000 Wire Transfer
  • Review Date: 09.09.2015
  • Paid: False
  • location: UK

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